ASSTA is an incorporated professional association, with objectives designed to enhance the quality of professional life of those who work in any aspect of speech communication, both between humans, and between humans and machines.
You are invited to consider membership of ASSTA as an ordinary member, an associate member, a student member, or a corporate member. These grades of membership are differentiated as follows:-
- An ordinary member is a person with active involvement in research into, or development of, or application of speech science and technology.
- An associate member is regarded as a person who does not currently qualify as an ordinary member but who has a strong interest in speech science and technology.
- A student member is regarded as a person who qualifies as an associate member but in addition has committed themselves to be enrolled in a recognised course which is related to speech science and technology.
- A corporate member is regarded as a person or company who wishes to support the work of the Association and to have their name associated with that support in Association publicity.
Companies interested in supporting professional standards in these areas are invited to consider Corporate Membership by writing to the secretary of the Association. Persons seeking individual membership are requested to fill in the ASSTA Inc Membership Form.
Individual Members will receive the ASSTA Newsletter and will enjoy a substantial discount when registering for conferences organised or sponsored by ASSTA, and when subscribing to any future ASSTA publications. All ordinary members working in Australia will be eligible to be included in the Directory of Australian Speech Science and Technology published biennially by ASSTA. An executive guideline on all membership benefits is available.
Membership fees are (effective 2024):
- A $90 (inc. GST) for ordinary members,
- A $60 (inc. GST) for associate members,
- A $30 (inc. GST) for student members, and
- A $500 (inc. GST) for corporate members.
As of December 2007, ASSTA and ISCA have agreed to offer 25% discounts on membership fees to members of either organisation who are not currently members of the other organisation. That is, ASSTA members who are not currently ISCA members may save 25% on the ISCA membership fee and vice versa. The membership fee reduction applies for one year only and is introduced to promote mutual enrollment.
As membership applications must be approved by the executive you should allow at least two months for the processing of your application.
Membership Benefits
Services Offered to Members and Non-Members
Financial Members (Lifetime; Ordinary; Associate; Student)
- Discounted registration for the biennial SST conferences, plus any other Australian or overseas conferences which are co-sponsored by ASSTA;
- One free copy of SST proceedings whether or not the member attends the conference, as long as he or she is financial at the time of the conference;
- One free hard copy of the ASSTA research directory each time this is published;
- Other publications which ASSTA may from time to time make available and which the Executive Committee decide should be free or at least discounted for financial and IAB members;
- Free personal advertisements in the newsletter;
- Voting rights at all General Meetings (Ordinary and Student Members only);
- The opportunity to create and modify a personal or research group entry on the ASSTA WWW directory service;
- The opportunity to take advantage of the National Lecture Tours Programme;
- Quarterly newsletters;
- Regular Electronic Bulletins if the member has email facilities;
- The opportunity to submit papers for the biennial New Researcher Awards, if eligible under the relevant guidelines;
- In addition, along with unfinancial and non-members, access to ASSTA’s home page and related electronic services.
Unfinancial Members (Ordinary; Associate; Student)
- Unfinancial members will automatically lose items i) to ix) inclusive that are available to financial members;
- Unfinancial members will continue to receive newsletters and electronic bulletins for six months after they become unfinancial. A note will appear in the second (June) issue of each volume of the newsletter reminding unfinancial members that this will be their last newsletter unless they become financial;
- Members who are unfinancial at the due date for submissions for the New Researcher Awards, and who would otherwise be eligible under the relevant guidelines, may still submit a paper as long as they become financial at the same time;
- In addition, along with financial and non-members, access to ASSTA’s home page and related electronic services.
Financial Corporate Members
- One free copy of SST proceedings, as long as the Corporate Membership is financial at the time of the conference;
- One free hard copy of the ASSTA research directory each time this is published;
- Other publications which ASSTA may from time to time make available and which the Executive Committee decide should be free for Corporate members;
- The opportunity to take advantage of the National Lecture Tours Programme;
- Acknowledgement of membership in all appropriate ASSTA publications;
- The opportunity to create and modify a research group entry on the ASSTA WWW directory service.
IAB Members
- Free registration to SST conferences in return for chairing responsibilities;
- One free hard copy of the ASSTA research directory each time this is published;
- Other publications which ASSTA may from time to time make available and which the Executive Committee decide should be free or at least discounted for financial and IAB members;
- Quarterly newsletters;
- Regular Electronic Bulletins if the member has email facilities;
- The opportunity to take advantage of the National Lecture Tours Programme;
- In addition, along with financial and unfinancial members, access to ASSTA’s home page and related electronic services.
- Along with financial and unfinancial members, access to ASSTA’s home page and related electronic services;
- Any publication or item of publicity that the Executive Committee from time to time decides should be made available to non-members who may be interested.
Adopted by the ASSTA Executive – 3rd September 1996. It should
be noted that this set of guidelines is not a legally binding
document but provides a guideline to practice for the Executive