Main programme – Day 2

Wednesday 4th December

8:30 – 9:00
Registration (University College foyer)
9:00 – 11:00

• Session 7: Child Language Acquisition •

Chair: Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen 

Location: Tutorial Room 1 (Academic Centre)

A Database of Multilingual Child Speech with Recordings from a Longitudinal Project for Multilingual Education
Paola Escudero, Gloria Pino Escobar, Milena Hernandez Gallego, Chloé Diskin-Holdaway and John Hajek
Have Four-Year-Olds Mastered Vowel Reduction in English? An Acoustic Analysis of Bilingual and Monolingual Child Storytelling

Paola Escudero, Weicong Li and Chloé Diskin-Holdaway

Bilingual Preschoolers’ Phonetic Variation Keeps up with Monolingual Peers: The Case Of Voiceless Plosives in Australian English

Chloé Diskin-Holdaway, Weicong Li and Paola Escudero

English Lexical Productivity and Diversity in Spanish-English Bilingual Children in Australia

Milena Hernandez Gallego, Gloria Pino Escobar, Weicong Li and Paola Escudero

Special Session:
The Phonetic Expression of Phonological Length 

Organisers: Francesco Burroni, Angelo Dian & John Hajek

Location: Tutorial Room 2 (Seminar Centre)

Stop Oppositions in Warumungu: A Distributional and Acoustic Analysis

Mitchell Browne, Michael Proctor, Jane Simpson, Mark Harvey, Robert Mailhammer and Harriet Carpenter

Phonetic Evidence for Fortis-Lenis Contrast in Kufo Pulmonic Plosives

Shubo Li and Rosey Billington

On Consonant Gemination and Durational Effects in Word-Medial Position in Modern Standard Arabic: A Preliminary Study

Albandary Aldossari, Angelo Dian, John Hajek and Janet Fletcher

>>>> 10-min break <<<<

Perception of the Kelantan Malay Word-Initial Singleton/Geminate Contrast by Vietnamese Speakers

Mohd Hilmi Hamzah, Kimiko Tsukada, John Hajek and Đích Mục Đào

A Preliminary Study on the Vowel Length Contrast in te reo Māori

C. T. Justine Hui, Isabella Shields, Peter Keegan and Catherine Watson

Vowel Duration Beyond Contrastive Length in Djambarrpuyŋu

Kathleen Jepson and Rasmus Puggaard-Rode

11:00 – 11:30
Morning tea
11:30 – 12:30

• Session 8A: Voice Quality •

Chair: James Walker

Location: Tutorial Room 1 (Academic Centre) changed to Leggatt Hall

An Acoustic and Electroglottographic (EGG) Investigation of Preaspiration and Voice Quality in the Italian Four-Way Stop Contrast Across Regional Accents

Angelo Dian, John Hajek and Janet Fletcher

Fillers and Creaky Voice Presence in Australian English

Hannah White, Joshua Penney and Felicity Cox

• Session 8B: Prosody •

Chair: Katie Jepson

Location: Tutorial Room 2 (Seminar Centre)

The Effects of Syntactic Dependencies and Speech Tempo on Macro-Rhythm

Catalina Torres, Marie-Anne Morand, Sebastian Sauppe and Balthasar Bickel

Speech Task and Prosodic Context Influence Glottal Stop Variation in Tahitian (please note: talk is cancelled)

Janet Fletcher and Adele Gregory

12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
Poster Session

Location: Greta Hort Library

15:00 – 15:30
Afternoon tea
16:30 – 17:30

Location: Leggatt Hall