Main programme – Day 1

Tuesday 3rd December

8:30 – 9:00
Registration (University College foyer)
9:00 – 9:30
Welcome to Country

Location: Leggatt Hall
10:30 – 11:00
Morning tea
11:00 – 12:30

• Session 1: Consonants •

Chair: Josh Penny

Location: Tutorial Room 1 (Academic Centre)

Lateral Articulation Across Vowel Contexts: Insights from a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Case Study

Tuende Szalay, Michael Proctor, Amelia Gully, Tharinda Piyadasa, Craig Jin, David Waddington, Naeim Sanaei, Yaoyao Yue, Sheryl Foster and Kirrie Ballard

Māori /r/ Acoustics: Preliminary Analysis of the First and Second Formant

Isabella Shields, Peter Keegan and Catherine Watson

Sonority Patterns in Lelepa Onset Clusters

Chao Sun and Rosey Billington

• Session 2: Machine Learning • 

Chair: Justine Hui

Location: Tutorial Room 2 (Seminar Centre)

Extending ASR Systems Error Measurements: Reporting LEXICAL and GRAMMATICAL Errors

Simon Gonzalez, Jason Littlefield, Tao Hoang, Maria Kim, Tim Cawley and Jennifer Biggs

Application of ASR to a Sociolinguistic Corpus of Australian English

Maya Weiss, Ksenia Gnevsheva, Catherine Travis and Gerry Docherty

Does the Inclusion of Other Modalities Enhance the Performance of Speech Emotion Recognition Systems?

Junchen Liu, Jesin James and Karan Nathwani

12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00

• Session 3: Speech Processing •

Chair: Laurence Bruggeman

Location: Tutorial Room 1 (Academic Centre)

Masker Language and Acoustic Confusability: Effects on Letter Sequence Recognition

Jessica L. L. Chin, Laurence Bruggeman and Mark Antoniou

Coarticulation and Transitional Probability in Japanese Perceptual Epenthesis

Alexander Kilpatrick and Sharon Peperkamp

Decoding Surprisal and Iconicity in American English

Alexander Kilpatrick and Rikke Bundgaard Nielsen

• Session 4: Vowels •

Chair: Brooke Ross

Location: Tutorial Room 2 (Seminar Centre)

Acoustic Analysis of Vowel Production using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Tharinda Meegasmullage Piyadasa, Michael Proctor, Amelia Gully, Yaoyao Yue, Kirrie Ballard, Naeim Sanaei, Sheryl Foster, Tuende Szalay, David Waddington and Craig Jin

Static and Dynamic Analyses of the Back Vowels /uː/ and /ʊ/ in Singapore English

Canaan Lan, Olga Maxwell and Chloé Diskin-Holdaway

Schwa Optionality in Spontaneous Speech in German: A Meta-Study of Verbal Inflection in Three Corpora

Christine Mooshammer, Robert Lange and Marie-Theres Weißgerber

15:00 – 15:30
Afternoon tea
15:30 – 17:00

• Session 5: Bilingual Speech •

Chair: Chloé Diskin-Holdaway

Location: Tutorial Room 1 (Academic Centre) 

Bilinguals’ Segmentation of Unfamiliar Speech Rhythm

Poorani Vijayakumar, Laurence Bruggeman and Mark Antoniou

Development of Phonetic Cues in Early L2 speech Production: The case of Korean Plosives Pronounced by Native German speakers

Yeongeun Choi and Christoph Draxler

Articulation of North American English /r/ by Japanese and Mandarin Speakers

Daichi Ishii and Ian Wilson

• Session 6: Australian English •

Chair: Kirsty McDougall

Location: Tutorial Room 2 (Seminar Centre)

Characterizing Rhotic Articulation in Australian English Using Ultrasound

Michael Proctor, Jae-Hyun Kim, Joshua Penney, Louise Ratko and Felicity Cox

Give a Little Whistle: A Neglected Characteristic of Australian English Productions of /s/

Elise Tobin, Joshua Penney, Hannah White and Felicity Cox

Vowel Acoustics in Conversational Central Australian Aboriginal English

Yizhou Wang, Carmel O’Shannessy, Vanessa Davis, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Joshua Roberts and Denise Foster