Presenters and Papers

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Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Nihon University
The Spatiotemporal Effects of Speaking Rate on Gestural Coordination: an EPG study

Thu Nguyen, University of Queensland
John Ingram, University of Queensland
Reduplication and word stress in Vietnamese

Francis Nolan, University of Cambridge
Kirsty McDougall, University of Cambridge
Gea de Jong, University of Cambridge
Toby Hudson, University of Cambridge
A Forensic Phonetic Study of 'Dynamic' Sources of Variability in Speech: The DyViS Project

Mohaddeseh Nosratighods, University of New South Wales
Eliathamby Ambikairajah, University of New South Wales
Julien Epps, National ICT Australia
Michael Craey, University of Birmingham
A Novel Technique for the selection of speech segments for speaker verification